CRM service


What is a mobile application?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a technology that is used with all your company interactions and relationships with customers and potential customers. The aim of this technology is to improve business relationships to grow your business.
CRM helps companies continue to communicate with customers, streamline processes and improve profits.
CRM technology helps focus on improving your company’s relationships with individuals, including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers, throughout their working cycle, including finding new customers, winning new assignments, and providing support and additional services throughout the relationship.

The customer relationship management system provides a clear view of your customers, as you see all the details of your relationship with them in one place within a simple control panel that tells you all the details of the previous customer, the status of his orders, and the problems he may have encountered with customer service, in addition to including detailed information about their activity on social networking sites and analysis For their behavior through it and their favorites and things they hate, so you have a full report on them.
Innovalz provides its customer with a very prominent service of CRM with highly prepared specialists who are very distinguished in this service.
